Featured, HTML Websites, Web Design



City Surveillance in Pittsburgh ensures that you, your family, and your possessions are kept safe. It was Drift2’s duty to make sure City Surveillance’s website was safely ranking on Google and had a clean interface and fresh look. We employed a three-step process to improve City Surveillance’s business by increasing their search engine rankings with SEO, applying minor updates to their existing website while designing an entirely new site in the process. Drift2 developed an entire website from scratch and used SEO techniques to drive traffic to the client’s business.

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City Surveillance Website Design


When finished with City Surveillance’s new website and implementing SEO, we found an increase in the site’s rankings. The new site was responsive and fluid, offering a clean interface that could retain a customer with a professional look. Drift2 also confirmed the client’s business had their address in every local listing to improve their searchability.


  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JS
  • BigCommerce
  • Custom Stencil Theme
  • Handlebars.js
  • Node.js


We began the City Surveillance project by tweaking the pre-existing website while creating mockups in photoshop of the new site design. SEO techniques were employed to find keywords that were relevant to the client’s business to improve their rankings. Once the new website was completed, SEO oriented content was distributed throughout. We presented the finished site, and it became active.

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